Consultancy on materials

Starting from the concept and preliminary drawings, we guide you through the entire design phase, avoiding all problems. In other words, we ensure that the material you choose can be easily sourced, and, in our estimates, we recommend only materials suitable for your desired results.

Support for architecture firms

Our technical consultancy on materials provides a variety of information, such as indications regarding the most suitable stone material for your needs; in-depth study of the functional, mechanical and physical characteristics of the chosen stone; specific investigations into the origin and composition of the raw material; as well as the specifications that guarantee the material's ability to withstand all stages of the transformation process.

Technical documentation and material sampling

We demand transparency from all our suppliers, and we demand compliance with a quality policy that ensures the full implementation of the project. This is why we have very specific technical data sheets and samples of raw and semifinished materials. What we provide are skills and knowledge that allow you to make a comprehensive and realistic assessment.

Definition of the time and resources needed

We are rigorous, precise and meticulous. We work by combining lead time planning with project planning. That is to say, we set a timetable with an indication of supply times, delivery schedules and the type of processing required according to the material chosen. The aim of this working method is to meet delivery deadlines.

Indication of design risks

When working with natural stone, we are aware that we may encounter cracks in the material. In these cases, we are organised for the preventive use of specific anchor materials that allow us to avoid wasting material and time. It is a way of conveying security and peace of mind to the client while at the same time ensuring that the work is properly executed.

Our working method


Procurement plan

We state how we procure resources, means and materials, in accordance with the technical and functional requirements of the project.


Resource estimation and budgeting

We list the processes involved and their respective estimated costs for the implementation of the architectural design project.


Work progress

We monitor, report and handle problem-solving activities autonomously, avoiding the onset of inconvenience and worries.

Contact us

We are at your disposal, below you will find our contact details. 
We are waiting for you.

Fmg Shapes Srl | Via Fabbrica 4/c | 36072 Chiampo (VI) ITALY 
P.IVA/C.F.: 03638010243 | R.E.A. 341450 | Capitale sociale: € 10.000 i.v.